Lesbian Erotic Fiction

A male writing lesbian erotic fiction is either hubris or the ultimate act of imagination. Let me know what you think of them

The Enclave Young woman puts a  new arrival at the Enclave through a lesbian sex show for the Legate’s pleasure

“I’m not as young as I look,” I said quietly, my mouth against her ear. “The Legate makes me dress like this. He likes the virgin-whore schoolgirl thing.”

The woman made no reply. Well, the cock-gag in her mouth made that predictable, but some of the panic left her eyes.h

“Now I need you to lie very still.” I said, loudly enough for the microphones to pick up.

Her whole body stiffened. She’d seen the cut-throat razor in my hand.

“It’s OK. I’m good at this. I get lots of practice. I’ll have your mound smooth and hairless in no time at all.”

I thought for a moment she might cry. Instead she turned her head away. Most of them prefer not to watch.

Ask Alice : Dom offers to fulfill lesbian friend’s  fantasy

Alice is small, round, pale and naked. Hot fingers of desire run their nails up from my belly to my breasts. This instant arousal shames me, not just because it is lust without a context but because the trigger for my arousal is not the soft heavy flesh in front of me but the ugly slave collar around the girl’s neck and the strange gag across her mouth.

În TheDawn’s Early Light
Moira And The Babysitter

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